What Are the Benefits of Turkey Tail Mushrooms?

Mushrooms purported to have medicinal benefits are becoming more popular among wellness-minded people. Lion’s Mane tinctures, reishi extracts, and other medicinal mushroom blends are available at local farmers markets, health stores, and online. But there’s one medicinal mushroom that’s less well-known but just as deserving of praise: Turkey Tail. Whether you saw us slinging turkey tail extracts at a Seattle Farmers Market, saw turkey tail tinctures for sale online, or are just curious about this fungus that looks like, well, a turkey’s tail, there’s a lot to learn about this fascinating mushroom. What are the benefits of turkey tail mushrooms? Let’s dive in. 

Turkey tail mushrooms are loaded with antioxidants and other beneficial compounds. It’s why turkey tail extracts are so popular among those looking to improve their health. Mushroom tinctures and extracts condense all of the benefits of large quantities of mushrooms into a small, easy-to-take dose that’s loaded with the good stuff. Let’s dig a little deeper. 

Turkey tail mushroom benefits 


One of the top reasons people take turkey tail extracts is their antioxidant content. Antioxidants help to reduce damage caused by oxidative stress, which can result in cellular damage and inflammation. Researchers have found more than 35 different antioxidant compounds in samples of turkey tail extract.

Turkey tail mushrooms can help users combat oxidative stress through their antioxidant content. Consumers can eat turkey tail mushrooms regularly or supplement with a turkey tail tincture or extract. 

Immune boost

Turkey tail contains polysaccharopeptides, which are protein-bound polysaccharides with stimulatory effects on the immune system. These compounds activate and inhibit specific immune cells and can suppress inflammation. Studies have found that these compounds increase the counts of white blood cells that fight infection and boost immune function. 

Additionally, these compounds stimulate dendritic cells, which help build immunity to toxins, as well as activate natural killer cells, which help the body fight against pathogens and cancerous tumors. 

Gut health 

Turkey tail mushrooms also contain prebiotics, compounds that nourish the beneficial bacteria in our guts. Researchers believe that turkey tail treatments can have a positive effect on the gut microbiome, similar to those treated with prebiotic supplements. 

Other turkey tail mushroom benefits

Turkey tail mushrooms have been studied as a treatment for women with Human Papillomavirus, with results showing that about 85% of women treated with the turkey tail-based gel had a normal pap smear and colposcopy six months post-treatment. Those who didn’t use the gel had about a 65% rate of normal results. 

Rats with type 2 diabetes experienced a significant reduction in blood sugar levels and improved insulin resistance after being treated with turkey tail. 

Likely due to its immune-boosting properties, turkey tail has been associated with antitumor activity and is suggested to help with cancer. One study found that PSK, the polysaccharopeptide found in the mushroom, was effective at inhibiting the growth of human colon cancer cells. Another study found that tumor-bearing mice experienced a significant reduction in tumor size when treated with turkey tail mushrooms. 

More research is needed

All of the information we have showing the promising potential of turkey tail mushrooms is exciting. Just keep in mind that many of these studies were conducted in test tubes or on animals and have not been repeated in human studies. While we have a lot of promising research, we can’t say for sure that turkey tail extract can definitively improve health in the ways the studies are suggesting. 

However, the anecdotal evidence we hear from turkey tail users is enough to keep us excited and producing more extracts to share with our community. 

Where to buy turkey tail extract

Marrowstone Mushrooms makes a 2:1 dual mushroom extract from wild-harvested turkey tail. It’s double extracted with a full spectrum of constituents, including polysaccharides, glycoproteins, ergosterols, and triterpenoids. 

You can buy our turkey tail tinctures online or pick them up at one of the Seattle farmers markets locations we attend. 

Beyond mushroom tinctures for sale, we also provide a variety of functional wellness options, our mushroom powders, and plenty of fresh mushrooms for sale in Seattle. Marrowstone Mushrooms also offers spawns and grow kits so you can try your hand at growing your own functional wellness products. And if you need a little extra help growing, consider taking a mushroom cultivation class in Seattle with us.  


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